- Calle Nueve #425 - Galpón A18 - Antofagasta
- Office hours: 8:30am-6:30pm
- contacto@gecomchile.cl
Who have trusted us
Our historyABB
Celulosa Arauco Licancel
Bailey equipment upgrade.
Proyecto LSTS
- Calibration of magnetic flowmeters for LSTS project, Minera Escondida.
Pozo 1 & Pozo 3
- PLC and HMI integration for well water extraction logging.
Kinross Chile
Planta de procesamiento La Coipa
- Integration of remediation pumping Booster system, improving the communication link between the frequency inverters and PLC Control Logix system.
Mantos Blancos
I/O Remoto
- Supply, integration and acceptance testing of Remote IO cabinets, water pumping TK300.
- Migration PLC corrugator cathode oxides plant.
Minera Escondida
Planta Concentradora Laguna Seca - Línea 1
- Upgrade of communications for GPI modules from Modbus RTU Varsion 4.0 to Modbus TCP protocol in the Bailey Infi 90 control system.
- Migration of Flocculant Plant control system controlled by PLC Control Logix and communicated to the Bailey Infi 90 system, migrating Controlnet protocol to Modbus TCP.
- Preventive maintenance of Bailey DCS system. Firmware updates, change of NKTT01 cables (Infinite Loop), general check of the plant loop and upgrade of Modbus RTU protocol to Modbus TCP.
- Particulate matter control project. Configuration of control logics under BMI libraries and enabling of Profibus networks in ABB 800xA control systems.
Minera Escondida
Planta Concentradora Los Colorados
- Enabling, Profibus DP network certification and commissioning of Sullair Flotation area compressor in ABB’s Bailey and 800xA control systems.
- Integration and configuration in Symphony Plus system, Bailey Infi 90 and 800xA of ABB, Operational Pool Project. System connected via HNET to BRC 410 processor.
- Project 21 VDF. Integration of VDF’s. Rockwell Power Flex 7000 to the DCS Bailey, Symphony Plus and 800xA ABB system, under Profibus DP protocol.
Minera Escondida
Área NPI
- Project East 7 (400×400 pool). Configuration of control strategies to enable new pump and migration of existing pumps to Profibus protocol in 800xA ABB system and Schneider PLC under Wireless Hart protocol and Modbus TCP.
- Project Migration Service of equipment with Windows XP to Windows 10 and upgrade of Schneider and Rockwell PLC.
Minera Escondida
Other projects
- Proyecto Sexto Peralte (6LWR). Configuration of the control strategies applied for the project, Rockwell PLC, Schneider, ABB 800xA and Wimax Network configuration under Ethernet IP/ Modbus TCP protocol.
- Proyecto LSO NPI. Enabling remote monitoring of Laguna Seca observation well levels in ABB 800xA systems and Schneider PLC under Wireless Hart and Modbus TCP protocols.
- Área Concentrado. Configuration of Email and SMS in ABB 800xA systems for reporting of events occurred in the main assets of the client-server network and critical process alarms.
- Puerto Coloso. Configuration of Maintenance Management Network (RGM) in 800xA ABB systems under Modbus TCP protocol, Wireless Hart and PLC Connect.
- Área Húmeda Cátodos. Upgrade from Loop Infinet to Plan Network.
Minera Escondida
Comunicaciones industriales
- Architecture design, configuration and integration of application servers for the Maintenance Management Network for the Port and Filters Area of Minera Escondida.
- Architecture design, configuration and integration of PLC CONNECT DCS 800xA servers for Minera Escondida’s Port and Filters Area Maintenance Management Network project.
- Configuration, installation and commissioning of the WiMax network, DCS NPI Control System, Sexto Peralte Tranque de Relaves project.
Sierra Gorda SCM
Sistemas 800xA
- Enabling Ethernet IP communication between Control Logix PLC and ABB 800xA systems via CI873 module.
Correa Overland &
Área Chancado
- Improves Profibus DP communication for Overland belt in PLC Control Logix.
- PLC Control Logix and Fieldbus Foundation protocol training for DCS engineering personnel of the crushing area.
Planta NPT3
- Refining Area Centrifuge Capacity Increase Integration and configuration of PowerFlex 700 and 753 Variable Frequency Drives in PLC Control Logix, integration of control and status signals to DCS 800xA through PLC Connect.
- Capacity increase project. Integration of Power Flex753 Variable Frequency Drives and E-300 Overload Relays, Connection with third party equipment, Design of control logics in PLC Control Logix, connection of status variables and commands to DCS 800xA by means of CI-873 (Ethernet/IP), HMI confection in DCS.
- Audit of 800xA control system version 6.0.
- Migration of current Refinement area communication, change from OPC communication through PLC Connect to Ethernet IP communication through CI-873 communication card.
- Ferrum P-120 Area 1000 centrifuge, new centrifuge integration to ABB 800xA system through Ethernet IP with Rockwell PLC.
Other projects
- Integration of PowerFlex Model 753 Variable Frequency Drives to 800xA 6.0 control system, Creation of control logics in Function Designer.
- Configuration and integration of third party PLCs to 800xA system. DR.M Filter Project.
- Industrial Communications:
- STRATIX switch configuration and implementation of control network for third party PLCs to 800xA system. DR.M SQM Filter Project.